They meant "exhibitor." I'm almost positive. Then again, this is Las Vegas... My second trip to the big show resembled my first in only one significant way -- I learned a whole hell of a lot -- but in all other aspects, this could have been a completely different show. Traveling with such considerations as booth setup/breakdown, package arrival coordination, general booth management X2 (more on that later), and a personal agenda all mixed together make for a busy, buzzing brain. And yet, it's still one of the highlights of my year.
Like other bloggers, I think it's best to break up a longer recap into more manageable, bite-sized bits. This year in particular I've had a million things to think about, so it will take some time to corral them into some kind of order, sort, press, fold, and eventually stack them neatly for future reference.
As a gentle introduction, I'll share with you a special little secret I've been keeping: thanks to far too much childhood exposure to Dr. Suess, I'm a dedicated closet rhymester. There's nothing I love more than rhyming couplets, so to keep myself amused I've acquired the habit of crafting little phraselets and writing them down, usually never to be shared or seen again. But this time I'm putting them all together -- no alterations, no edits, and in chronological order -- to form a poetic tribute to my 8 days in the desert.
High heels, aching feet Snapping pics to Insta-Tweet Shaking hands and toothy smiles Feeling like I ran for miles Greeting friends, toasting "cheers!" More fun than I've had in years Early morning walk with friends Talking Broadway, techy trends Colored gems are back in action Millennials are gaining traction Selling, buying, closing deals Debating diamonds: fake or real? Sultry evening in the sand I finally got to hear that band Fresh designers go all in Mandalay, the Trop, the Wynn Packing up could take all night We stayed awake until our flight Business over, time to run I hope next year is half as fun!