Well, here we go again. It's been ten days since my last post, and I don't expect this one to do much in the way of readership generation. There is a simple fact I must face: during the holiday season, I go into survival mode. All extraneous brain activity ceases, including the portion that comes up with catchy titles and useful content.
Other bloggers seem to successfully navigate this time of year, but perhaps many of them don't work the retail frontlines. And perhaps they have a normal working schedule, enabling them to surround themselves with family and friends when they're not actually at work.
Anyway, this is more of an apologetic post than anything particularly useful or even entertaining for my readers (both of them). I love the joy on a customer's face when we find just the right gift for someone special, and I cling to those moments to guide me through this exhausting, stress-ridden season.
So my dear customers, you'd better not shout. You'd better not cry. Santa and Hanukkah Harry are watching -- and so am I.