Now that I've covered the philosophical angle of my recent life changes, it's time to begin introductions for my exciting new focus: technology & jewelry. If you've asked me about my industry at any point in the last few years, you probably got an earful about my frustrations with jewelry people's tendency to ignore, withhold, refute, squelch, circumvent, or otherwise deny the demand for the adoption of new technologies. Everything from mining and manufacturing to sales and advertising is in desperate need of an update, of the kind that will integrate all the good stuff of the "old" ways -- personal service, strong relationships, gemological & bench expertise -- with the many benefits of the new and forward-thinking.
This is not to say that the industry doesn't already utilize some of the wonders of today. Advances in laser welding, gemstone treatment, pearl farming, metallurgy, CAD/CAM, and e-commerce have been adopted to great effect, though not as universally as I would like. We've come a long way, but there is far to go.
Today's customers are rapidly losing interest in a world they see as a paragon of by-gone ideals, and nostalgia only opens the wallet to far. I want to see an engaged clientele who demand excellence in service, quality, source transparency, and storytelling... you know, all the things we do best.
So I have joined a company that is "new tech" to the core, with the goal of bringing their fresh-eyed approach to the world of jewelry. These people are smart, savvy, and looking to make an impact on how we make stuff (all kinds of stuff), which will have a massive impact on how we design, create, advertise, and sell stuff. Replace "stuff" with "jewelry" and you have my full attention and dedication.
What does this mean for my daily life? Well, more denim and flats (and fewer diamonds), for one thing! It means I can turn my focus to the building blocks of the industry, perhaps helping to affect change and influence the direction we take in the coming years. I want to see the jewelry industry emerge from years of tech denial and embrace the power of doing things in new ways in order to achieve long-term stability and growth. I want more people wearing beautiful things that are made well.
Buckle up, people. No more hiding behind half a century of how-it's-always-been-done. Wake up and smell the lasers, folks -- I'm coming for you.